Vacancy Management
Efficiently manage your vacancies.
The Vacancies tab, located at the top of the page allows for vacancy management as well as all related information.
Moreover, each user can customise their filters and view for future use.
Below, we will break the table into its components.
By default, the table presents the following columns in reading order (left to right). Each of these can be sorting in Ascending and Descending order by clicking on the column title field.
• Select All: This will select (or deselect) the vacancies that are viewable in the grid and can be used for bulk actions.
• Recruiter: Lists the recruiter associated with the vacancies. A standard user can only view their own vacancies, however if the user is a administrator, then they will be able to see all recruiters if the filter for such as been applied.
• Vacancy: Lists the vacancy titles of all vacancies that have been processed on Careers24 Job board.
• View: Presents an icon-based link to view the vacancy as the jobseeker would.
• Location: Displays the location the vacancy has been advertised in
• Status: The status of the vacancy as per the available status types.
• Views: Sum of all views of the vacancy since its published date
• Applications: The total number of applications received for a vacancy including applications list, declined applications and shortlisted applications. If the vacancy however is redirecting applications to an ext URL, the application number will always reflect 0
• Site Clicks: Total number of incomplete applications or referrals on application. This number is calculated on two criteria; either the candidate has clicked on apply however has not completed the application, or the candidate has been redirected to another application page such as an external website or applicant tracking system such as
• Matched Candidates: Candidates that match the criteria of the vacancy done via an automated search into the Careers24 searchable database.
• Expiry: The vacancy can be live on Careers24 for 60 days
• Reference: Ether the custom reference included when posting a vacancy or the number allocated by Careers24
• Share: Linked to social media platforms, which is only available for live vacancies
• TrackURL: A unique URL available for live ads which can be used is social media sharing, emails etc.
Updated about 5 years ago