Talent Pools
Create a manageable talent pool for current or future roles.
Talent Pools can be accessed using the main navigation bar at the top of each page. You can only see your own talent pools, regardless of user type.
On landing, you will be able to manage talent pools such as viewing existing talent pools, creating new talent pools, or deleting.
The table title row allows you to de/select talent pools viewable on the page, as well as sort Talent Pool Name and Candidate Amount in ascending/descending order.
Viewing Your Talent Pool
Clicking on the name of the talent pool, listed under Talent Pool Name will open the selected talent pool providing more information and bulk actions.
On lading, you will be presented with all the candidates that have been allocated to the specific talent pool.
Below is a breakdown of the table columns, including which have additionally filtering options:
• Candidate Name: can also be searched
• Notes: provided the number of notes available for the specific candidate. Clicking on the number will open the notes tab on the candidate’s full profile.
• CV: Download CV or Download profile
• Job Title: Current job titles of assigned candidates, including search ability
• Location: candidates’ current location including search function
• Highest Qualification: listed the candidate’s highest qualification and includes filtering based on the levels of education candidates available.
• Work Experience: Accumulated number of years of work experience each candidate has. The recruiter can search within ranges
• Current Salary: as set by the candidate and filters can be applied using ranges
• Age: Calculated using ID number or birth date of each candidate, and can be filtered using ranges
• Ethnicity: Can be filtered by selected the ethnicity the recruiter desires to see
• Notice Period: notice period as set by the candidate in their profile.
Updated about 5 years ago