How to Use Boolean Operators
Boolean Operators are used to connect and define the relationship between your search terms.
Careers24 incorporates certain and not all operators. These include OR, AND, NOT and " ".
Using Boolean Operator OR
OR provides options into a search. Usage of the OR command allows you to create a list of possibilities for which only one match is important. The use of OR in Current Job Title or Job Titles field allows the user to enter one or more related job titles, for example:
Sales consultant OR sales executive OR sales representative OR account manager.
Running a search like this expresses the idea/need that a Current Job title must be present in all search results that meets one of those terms.
Using Boolean Operator NOT
NOT is the command of exclusion. If there are closely related terms that mean very different things, then usage of the NOT command is extremely valuable.
Running a search like this expresses the idea that a Current Job Title must not include the search terms in any profiles.
Using Boolean Operator AND
AND is the simplest function to apply. Any search terms that follow an AND command must appear in the result.
For example: developer AND Front-end
Using AND will give results that include both the word developer and front-end. All search results will include both, and any CVs that have either developer or front-end (but not both) will not appear.
Updated almost 6 years ago