Complete contact information, save as draft or post vacancy live.
In the final step of completing the Post a Job form, you can select:
- A closing date
- How you receive applications including Email address for applications or URL link for external
applications - Ad Ownership
Receive Applications via
This function allows you to select if you would like to receive applications via email or if you would like to redirect candidates to an external website.
By default, the applications will be sent to the user's email address.
Should you wish to manage your applications on Careers24, please see the Notification Settings information.
Should you wish to redirect candidates to an external website, please use the URL of the specific landing page where the candidate will be applying. This decreases potential dropped applications.
Is your external website mobile friendly?
Should your external website not be mobile friendly, we suggest that applications be made via email so as to not lose potential candidates.
Ad Ownership
From the available list, select whether you would like the vacancy to be advertised under your company, on behalf of another company or as an anonymous vacancy.
By selecting "Vacancy in our own company" the job will be advertised with your company name, and branding such as logo. To ensure this has been set up, please see PROFILE
By selecting "Vacancy on behalf of another company" you will be required to include a company name and upload a logo. This will be displayed alongside the vacancy and visible by job seekers.
By selecting "Anonymous Vacancy" the position will not indicate your company name when made live. Please note that anonymous vacancies tend to receive a lower number applications.
Preview, Save as Draft or Post Vacancy
Preview allow you to see the vacancy before making it live.
Cancel will discard the vacancy completely without saving for a later stage. Cancelled vacancies cannot be recovered.
Save as Draft allows you to save the vacancy without publishing, allowing for review and edits before finally making it live.
Once you are ready, you can Post Vacancy. The advert will be live on site within a few minutes and available for application.
Updated over 6 years ago